
Showing posts from October, 2019

Attention PSAT Test-Takers - SATURDAY, October 19, 2019

Attention all students taking the PSAT/NMSQT on Saturday, October 19: Check in will begin at 7:15.   TESTING WILL BEGIN PROMPTLY AT 7:45am .  Students who arrive after test booklets have been distributed in their testing room will not be permitted to test. There will be a check in desk located in the main lobby outside the auditorium where you will be directed to your testing room. Please check in with a current and valid school- or government- issued photo ID. Your photo ID will be checked again when you arrive at your testing room. Students will not be admitted without identification. If you do not have a photo ID of any type, please reach out to Kira Wong at . What to bring: Sharpened # 2 pencils with good erasers  (Required) An approved calculator ( Required  for use on Math Calculator Section ONLY) - click  HERE  for a list of approved calculators. Most graphing calculators are permitted ( see lis...

AP Registration Deadline EXTENDED Until October 19, 2019!

DEADLINE to Register for AP Exam(s) for Fall (Semester 1) courses has been extended to SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19, 2019! For exams corresponding to Spring (Semester 2) ONLY courses (AP Physics C Mechanics, AP Government, AP Macro and AP English Language (Eng Lang is usually grade 11 students at HHS)),  registration opens February 5, 2020, and closes February 25, 2020. To register for an AP exam students must complete TWO steps . The below link has detailed instructions on how to register at both the College Board website (in order to order exam(s)) AND at APTSUSA (in order to pay for exam(s))...  both need to be completed in order to receive an exam in May. apinfo/ Please see Ms. Harwich in the School Counseling Office with questions.